
Alarmsense 4 Zone Kits

Alarmsense 4 Zone Kits

Alarmsense 4 zone fire alarm kits. Alarmsense fire alarms differs to conventional fire systems that works with four wires per zone, one pair for detection devices and the other for alarm sounders. By using different voltage bands for standby and alarm states, AlarmSense detectors and sirens can be connected to the same pair of zone wires. This is a very reliable technology that takes all of the complexity out of fire system design, leading to a quicker, more flexible installation and can save around 20-25% reduction of labour costs over a standard conventional four wire fore alarm system.

AlarmSense has been developed to make the design and installation of a fire detection and alarm system easier and more economic for small to medium-sized buildings t
his flexibility makes AlarmSense an excellent choice for use in HMOs (House in Multiple Occupation).

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